2025 PARPC Girls Summer Field Hockey Camp
Fun field hockey instructional lessons with Palmyra HS Assistant Coach Kayla Ricker
WHEN: August 4th, 5th, and 6th from 6-8 pm (rain date scheduled for Thursday, August 7th)
WHERE: Palmyra High School’s Field Hockey turf field at 1125 Park Drive, Palmyra PA
WHO: Girls rising in first to sixth grade in fall of 2025 are invited to register.
FEE: $65 ($75 NonPASD)
- What is needed to participate? Player must have a stick, mouth guard, field hockey stick, and shin guards to participate. NOTE: If you can bring a field hockey ball of your own, please do- but be sure everything has your athlete’s name on it.
- (Optional) STICKS FOR SALE THROUGH June 26th: Discounted Hockey sticks- 28”, 30”, 32”, 34” cost $36 ALSO- Limited amount of 29” Sticks available at a deep discount of $20 ***NO field hockey sticks will be ordered after June 26th **
- What field hockey stick size fits my child? Measurement is taken from the ground to the top of your athlete’s hip bone to the nearest inch listed, going with a shorter stick as opposed to longer for better control. Purchased sticks will be delivered to camp on the first day (please arrive 10-15 minutes early to receive stick).
2025 Registration Form:
Checks can be mailed to 325 South Railroad Street, Palmyra PA 17078 or put in our tan drop box anytime 24/7 at the same address. Checks made out to PARPC.
Active.com Online Registration (small fee from active.com):
Any questions please call the office 717-838-9244 after hours 717-926-9673.